Brad's Custom Online Training 


Here's How It Works


In order to see exactly where you are currently in your daily routine as well as to understand your goals in more detail, I ask you to first fill out my online training application provided at the bottom of this page. I want to see what your barriers are as well as the specifics of your current lifestyle. THERE ARE NO JUDGEMENTS as the more I know about you and your goals, the better I can assist you. When creating your specific program, we work TOGETHER to ensure every week is customized just-for-you with regular scheduled check ins, daily messaging, workout compliance logging, progress pictures, weigh ins, and more to ensure you reach your goals as quickly and effectively as possible.


Here's What You Get

Custom Daily Workouts

According to your fitness goals and health status I will put together custom workouts made just-for-you. Workouts are created on a weekly basis with your needs in mind.

Custom Daily Habits

As an advocate for a complete 360 approach to your health goals, I put together daily habits for you to check in for based on your needs. I.e. hydration goal, step goal, meditation, and more!

Constant Contact & Check-ins

With access to my private in app chat, we will have constant communication. That means if you have any questions about your program, I'm always a quick message away to help you with your needs.

Wearable Accountability

The accountability is endless as you are able to sync your wearable trackers to my app. I will be able to see your steps, heart rate, exercises completed, and more! 


Here's What My Clients Have To Say

Linda G.

"Brad is a smart trainer; highly responsive to your individual abilities and considerate of your limitations. He is also dedicated, highly motivating, and has a great personality…I would recommend Brad Lloyd to anyone interested in a healthier and fit lifestyle from the beginner to the advanced.”

Yvonne H.

"I was already a pretty disciplined exerciser. But, I’’d also gotten older ( I’m 71) and was slowing down quite a bit. Moreover, I’ve been struggling with joint issues resulting from having Sjogrens Syndrome for a number of years. Enter Brad Lloyd. Brad very skillfully assessed my current level of fitness, introduced me to exercises that I wouldn’t have discovered on my own and helped me recover from an injury sustained. He pushed me, always very respectfully, to do just a little more than I thought I could. Most of us older fitness buffs have a hard time accepting the gradual loss of strength that comes with aging. A really good trainer can help us retain much of our vigor. Brad is that kind of trainer."

Tiffany H.

Brad immediately made me feel welcome with a friendly smile and a “You can do this” attitude…He would always check in to make sure I was performing the exercises the correct way while giving encouragement and motivation.” 

Vivian L. 


I took TRX classes with Brad Lloyd and loved them! Brad was a great instructor who helped keep the exercise both challenging and fun. 
He always made sure that we varied the exercises from week to week and worked different parts of our bodies to get the full benefit from the workouts.
The pacing of his classes were also great. He knew when to get up ramped up and when we needed a bit of a break.
Also, when I started taking his classes, I was in terrible shape, but
now I feel really fit and can keep up with most of the exercises.
Brad was able to point out ways to modify the moves for different fitness levels and made sure to keep all of us doing the exercises at the right level for ourselves. 
With the help of the TRX class taught by Brad I was able to lose 50 lbs in 7 months!

Brad's Online Training Programs

Choose from FOCUSED 45 minutes or THOROUGH 30  minute training programs. "Focused 45" is the most popular training program to get effective results quickly and safely!

"Focused 45"

Online Training + Nutritional Assistance + Habit Based Coaching


45 minutes of complete "focused" movement to help enhance your mobility, strength and mental clarity

Great for:

- Stamina
- Coordination
- Balance
- Core strength
- Muscular Posture


- 3 Delivered 45 Minute Video Based Custom Workouts Per Week / 12 Workout Routines Per Month 

- Workout Calendar 

- Performance Meal Plan

- Daily Meal Tracking
- Habit Based Coaching
- Weekly Check Ins
- Constant Communication
- Monthly Video Chats
- Weekly & Monthly Progress Pics and Stats

Training program requirements:
A Floor Mat, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Resistance bands, A Medicine Ball and Bodyweight.


"Thorough 30"

Online Training + Nutritional Assistance + Habit Based Coaching

Starting at $75/Wk

30 minutes of complete "thorough" movement to help enhance your mobility, strength and mental clarity when you're crunched for time!

Great for:

- Stamina
- Coordination
- Balance
- Core strength
- Muscular Posture


- 2 Delivered 30 Minute Video Based Custom Workouts Per Week / 8 Workout Routines Per Month 

- Workout Calendar

- Performance Meal Plan
- Daily Meal Tracking
- Habit Based Coaching
- Weekly Check Ins
- Constant Communication
- Monthly Video Chats
- Weekly & Monthly Progress Pics and Stats

Training program requirements:
A Floor Mat, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Resistance bands, A Medicine Ball and Bodyweight.


Apply for my Custom Online Training Today

I take my client success and training very seriously and am equally looking for those committed to reaching their goals with my expertise guidance. Please fill out my online training application below in as much detail as possible so I can understand your goals and needs. Upon submitting your application you will be redirected to book a complimentary video call with me to see if we'd be a good fit in working together as well as to create an exact game plan for you to reach all of your fitness goals and needs.